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Thursday, 28 March 2013

Maori phrases: Ko wai o hoa?

We have been learning how to ask someone who their friends/parents/grandparents are? Because it is the plural, it is a different question to asking someone who their friend is. This is Rene, Will and Rosie's  Puppet Pal presentation to show their new language. What do you think?

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Shared Writing by Room 1

We are currently learning how to write interesting recounts in Room 1. We have been doing some Shared Writing to help us practise our skills. We wrote a really interesting recount about the capture of the Easter Bunny and can't wait to carry it on ourselves tomorrow during Creative Writing time... What would you add if it was your story? 

Shared writing: 26.3.13

It spread all over the news… The Easter Bunny had been captured!

I was in my house, bawling my eyes out when I heard the horrible news. Bob, my little Easter pal, had been captured! Oh my word!

My little sister came running in. There were tears in her eyes and she was waving her fists.

“I’ll bet it’s the evil Dark Bunny” she screamed!!

Monday, 18 March 2013

Wizard of Oz By JooHui!

Wizard of oz summary. By Emma!!!

This is my summary of wizard of oz!

Volcano question from Haydn, Alex, Zhi He and Dylan

Haydn, Alex, Zhe He and Dylan are reading a very interesting book about volcanoes! We had a question about volcanoes - where do most of the eruptions in Auckland happen? What part of Auckland? Are there any volcanoes in Hamilton? Can you answer our question??

Reading post by Daniel

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Our student teachers

Our student teachers, Miss Flint and Miss O'Keefe shared to us about their lives and their families today. It was really interesting!

Friday, 8 March 2013

Jaya swimming day

I felt so scared was I going to make it ever? No, disappointment stuck me I felt soo stuck up, I had come........second I guess that was ok but I thought I could do that tiny bit better I bobbed up to the surface the swarming noise of the surface world stabbed me in the back, sheesh!!!!

Managing Myself Goal: Abby and Jaya

We have been looking at the Managing Myself goals. Below you will see freeze frames we took of us showing the different goals. 

We are showing the goal of managing my time well and finishing all my work on time instead of having to use my morning tea and mucking around.

Managing Myself Goal: Briar, Rosie & Gemma

Managing Myself Goal: Hugo & Ryan

I am showing the goal of managing my emotions and impulsivity by speaking quietly instead of shouting. By Ryan

Managing Myself Goal: Jamie & Zhi He

Managing Myself goal: Alfie and Regan

Regan and I are showing the finishing your work on time and to your best standard. I am  drawing on my book instead of doing my work. Regan is actually doing his work. Rather than drawing on his book like me.            
By Regan and Alfie :)

Managing Myself Goal: Dylan, Alex & Tyler

We are showing the goal of managing our emotions an impulsivity by poking and prodding.we don't do this in class.

Managing Myself Goal: Georgia, Taylia & Jade

We are showing the goal of thinking of others when making choices by... Play with all your friends and not leaving anybody out.

Managing Myself Goal: Caitlin, Brier & Emma

We are showing the goal of looking after my own and other people property.
I can do this by making sure I keep my property safe and knowing where my property is. By Caitlin

I am showing the goal of looking after my own and others property by returning things back if it has been lost.

By Eva.

Managing Myself Goal: Brigham, Angus & Luke

We have been looking at the Managing Myself goals. Below you will see freeze frames we took of us showing the different goals. 

We are showing the goal of staying on task and ignoring distractions by ignoring the teacher so people know to look at the teacher.
By Luke,Angus and Brigham
we are showing our goal of staying on task and ignoring distraction by not talking to your freind on the mat and when you're working and listening to the teacher.By Jade

Managing Myself Goal: Rene, Will & Hadyn

I am working on thinking about others when making choices.
In the picture I am helping a person in pain by helping then get up when he is hurt.
By René and Haydn and Will

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Tyler Swimming Sports

B,E,A,R,S!!Bears bears are the best. Finally it was swimming sports. I could not wait to win a few races. But unfortunately that did not happen. In event 5,my 1/2 a length freestyle I got second.My second race, 1/2 a length backstroke. I got third and in my last I got whopped!!!!!Luckily our year 6 team smoked all of the other teams."We are going to smash all the other teams" I thought. But then I said to myself "I can't be to sure 

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Swimming sports by Briar

GO SHARKS! I heard over and over as the year 5 girls did there race.Some people dove into the refreshing pool and some people just hoped in and started to get there arms into the right position.
Ready seat CLAP! The loud clap past me as it was my tern.I was racing dow the pool like a torpedo in action. As soon as i got to the end i was so proud of myself.It was a great moment to share with my proud parents.

Swimming sports by Regan

Ooh 2 more groups until my turn can't wait can't wait hey Alfie are you excited."No it's freezing cold,remember the past five years,freezing"! said Alfie."Well still I'm going to win I say and let the bears win the house challenge for a change"."Oh cool it's my turn" said Alfie.Good luck I say as Alfie gives me a quick smile and dives into the pool a few minuets later Alfie comes second place.I walk up to the pool and get in 3 2 1 clap! The wooden clappers clap of I dart through the pool to the other side before anyone else and earned the bears 5 points people cheer for me as I get,out this is a day to remember.
By Regan

Swimming sports by Angus

Today we hade swimming sports it was really fun all we could hear was the hawks saying turn up your radio what do ya hear hawks hawks give us a chear were gona beat em bust em that's our custom GO HAWKS!!!. I think that lots of people had butterfly's in there tummy. We had a awesome day out there with house teams.

Swimming sports. By JooHui

Turn on the radio, what do you hear?
Hawks! Hawks! Give them a cheer!
Gotta beat them, bust them, that's our custom.
Goooooo Hawks!
I cheered for my team. Just then, I heard: Event 5! I nervously walked into the line.
I hopped in the pool. Suddenly I got a shock. I was so freezing I couldn't bare to move.
Bang! I tried my worst because I was so freezing. But I had come first! Oh, I should have chosen a whole length!!! I felt so embarrassed. It was super easy. Mr Fitness was calling out the points. We were winning by a ton of points! Grrrrrr! How I wished I had done a whole length.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Twitter wall and change

This is our "Change" wall... On the Twitter wall we record our thoughts about our topic Change and other things we're feeling. We also have some pretty amazing pictures of change the children have gone through in their lives. Feel free to come in and see!

Friday, 1 March 2013

Mt Tarawera and legs camp artwork

Over the last couple of days we have been doing some artwork. First we drew a mountain an lava, then dyed the background blue and stuck our adjectives we have been working on over.We used some coloured paper to make the shorts and patterns then made shorts and socks.
Written by Georgia

Swimming times for the rest of the term...